Bowing down, raising hands, singing praises—there are innumerable forms of worship throughout the world. Some groups worship on certain days of the week or during particular months of the year. There are people who believe they should only worship in a certain location and those who feel they have the freedom to worship anywhere in the world. While many individuals take worship very seriously, others are rather lukewarm in their approach to worship. The most important question concerning worship, however, is not how you worship, when you worship, or where you worship. The vital question surrounding worship is distinctly, “Who do you worship?”

God is the only One we should worship. The time to worship Him is now. Jesus said, “‘The time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way’” (John 4:23). God is seeking individuals who will glorify Him through everything they do. Worship is not a spectator sport. Worship is a way of life. Our purpose on this earth is to bring glory to our Creator as we worship Him in spirit and in truth!

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Order your copy of Jennifer's new book,
Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth

Jennifer Campbell endured the very first trial of her life when she was born without a heartbeat. When she was sixteen years old, her life was in jeopardy once again. Through her experiences, she was inspired to write a song titled, “There’s Sunshine Awaiting You.” Years later, God used this song to minister to Jennifer’s own heart during a very dark season of her life. Having overcome many difficulties, her greatest desire is to share the message of hope.

Jennifer knows firsthand that it is in the sunsets of life where we can find true restoration, true peace, and true comfort in the knowledge that Jesus Christ, the One who loves us more than we could ever imagine, will never leave us nor forsake us. When we put our trust in His master plan for our lives, we will have hope even in the most discouraging situations. No matter what you are facing today, be encouraged. For even in the sunset, there is sunshine awaiting you.

Read a Free Chapter of Jennifer's Book

Order your copy of Jennifer's book,
There's Sunshine Awaiting You

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