Goodbyes Are Not Forever
Today was a bittersweet day. We said farewell to our pastor and his wife, as they are moving to another state. Through the years, they have become close friends and we will miss them greatly. While we look forward to seeing them again, there are other times when goodbyes seem more permanent, such as the moment my Mom went to be with Jesus. The loss of a loved one can be heartbreaking. But God has promised that all who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ shall be reunited in Heaven one glorious day! So instead of saying goodbye, we should simply say, see you soon, for goodbyes are not forever!#BeEncouraged #Goodbye #Farewell #SeeYouSoon #Goodbyes #Heaven #Love #Watch #Share #Resurrection #God #ChristWillReturn #Grief #JoyGoodbyes Are Not Forever