Many Languages

Many Languages

Today is Pentecost Sunday! In the Upper Room, many languages were spoken, yet those who heard them understood the words being said. This weekend, I attended the SSTESOL conference, for teachers who teach students whose first language is not English. It was quite interesting to hear the dialects, accents, and languages from a diverse group of people. This morning at church, we simulated what it must have been like on the Day of Pentecost by reading Acts 2 in multiple languages. Just as Jesus' disciples, we need to listen to the Holy Spirit's leading in everything we do. Sometimes, it could even save a life. #BeEncouraged #Pentecost #UpperRoom #HolySpirit #Languages #Foreign #Dialects #Countries #Diverse #Sunday #Watch #Share #SSTESOL

Posted by Jennifer Campbell on Sunday, May 15, 2016